Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to find hope through the pain

Here is another short video you must watch if you are hurting and hopeless today.  It is Kathy Lee Gifford talking on the Today Show about the love and support she has received after the sudden death of her husband, famous football legend Frank Gifford.  Listen to the story of his life/ their lives.  It is the same way we found ourselves able to face the miscarriage of our precious Jeremiah Anthony.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Share YOUR miscarriage story!

Have you ever been faced with the grief involved in having a miscarriage?  Would you please consider sharing your story on my blog?  (I can change names to keep it anonymous, if you wish.) 
Or maybe you would be willing to tell something you learned that could be an encouragement to someone else.  There are ladies hurting, that are going through miscarriage right now, that need your help.  I have heard over and over from ladies that have read my book, that they are grateful for my being willing to share my story, because they feel so "alone". 
Because it is not an everyday topic, you have no idea when someone goes through miscarriage, unless they mention it.  Many times the woman has not begun to show yet and/or they have not shared the news with others.  If they have shared their news and have a miscarriage, others make them feel "isolate" (either turning the other way when they see them to avoid the awkwardness of the topic, or just ignoring the fact and not mentioning it at all.) 
I mention some of these things in my book and explain more about why they happen and how to handle it.  Please consider sharing your experience with me at mthanke@juno.com, or you may comment here.  All comments are moderated before publishing to the blog.  If you would like to remain anonymous, please mention that too.  Tricia

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Exciting news...secure Paypal link now added

I have now updated my information on here...as well as adding a secure link to my paypal account, so that you may now order my book online through the website.
Please feel free to share the link to this site with friends that may need the encouragement and support we have to offer.  Any comments / advice / stories welcome, but will be moderated before posting. 
If you would like for me to add a link to your site (which must support this specific topic), send it to me for review and approval. 
Hoping to broaden the reach of our audience with a new-found determination for sharing encouragement for ladies (& men) finding themselves discouraged while in the midst of the trial of miscarriage.

Do you have a miscarriage story to share? Advice? Encouragement?

I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything to this sight.  My life has gotten very busy with my four kids.  I have a friend who has been encouraging me to start this up again for purposes of having a link to order my book.
The stories on here are still being an encouragement and support.
*** If you would like me to add your story...please send it to my email address mthanke@juno.com, and I will get it copied over to here.***
I am also trying to see if I could get my paypal connected to this website, so I can take orders directly from here.  Things are so much better than they used to be with technology....I have to try to figure it all out 😉 Please be patient as I try to "modernize" my site.