Sunday, January 3, 2010

Angela's Story

Hello, I received your book today, I also read it cover to cover during my 2 1/2 year old son's nap. Thank you for sharing your story. There really isn't that many books out there that deal with this subject. I have read a number of them but yours was the first that was... one woman's personal story with at the end an encouragement to respond.
I really related to your story. I too lost my son. I was 19 weeks 4 days when at my routine visit heard the news that my son had no heartbeat and had died 2 to 3 weeks before. I however delivered him at the hospital. This had been my third pregancy and there were things I had done that I hadn't in previous pregancy like your thoughts of misscarriage, I found myself praying at night to watch over me and my baby, that all would be okay. I never did that with my other 2 pregancies.
I delivered Luc Stephen Gardner June 2, 2006. I have enclosed a photo of him...I hope that is okay. I also believe he was a living breathing human being whose life deserves to be recognized. I am so sorry to read of your loss and I hope you have found peace with your situition. I believe everyone has a purpose in life and everything happens for a reason. That is the biggest thing that gets me thru each and everday. I know he is with God in Heaven and that one day I will be with him again.
Again, Thank you so much for your book.
Angela Gardner
Thank you, I love that picture of my son Luc. Luc had been passed away for approximately 2 to 2 1/2 weeks before I found out so he probably died at 17 weeks. I delivered at 19 1/2 weeks. They did induce my labor but I did not take any kind of pain medication or have an epidural to deliver him...the placenta would not deliver and I was losing a lot of blood so they took me to surgery to have a D&C to remove the placenta...It wasn't til then that I accepted something for my pain. I experienced a post-partum depression that I never felt with my other 2 pregnancies.
I also poured myself into a scrapbook for my son the weeks that followed his death and funeral service. It is a beautiful book that like you I put all I could into it. My husband and I, along with our two sons and the rest of my extended family following Luc's services came to my home and planted 2 trees in his memory.
I am very happy to hear you and your husband conceived once again and your son arrived to your arms safe and sound. It has been 3 months since our loss and I just found out yesterday I am once again pregnant. This news comes with a lot of emotion as you well know. According to a phone call made to my doctor I am now 5 weeks and 4 days along. I have only told my husband and I am waiting til after my first doctor appointment to tell my sons and other family members.
Thank you for responding, I look forward to hearing back from you.
Angela Gardner

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